Lost in the Complex World of Crypto? Here's a Compass to Guide You!

Lost in the Complex World of Crypto? Here's a Compass to Guide You!

3 Minuten
1 year ago

Wary of biased crypto influencers and commentators? Our even-handed crypto discussions will help you see through the hype, analyze new assets judiciously and avoid risks.

Lost in the Complex World of Crypto? Here's a Compass to Guide You!


Crypto media has a new boss in town. And this is what it looks like:

What audacious new scheme is CoinMarketCap now up to again, you may ask.

We’ll tell you.

This is CMC Live, the new weekly crypto podcast explaining the cryptocurrency revolution.

And here is everything you need to know about it.

What Is CMC Live?

Do you want to learn about the crypto revolution in a fun, easy and interactive way?

But Crypto Twitter is too complicated and cliquey, and has too much strange crypto slang you don’t understand?
CMC Live has got you covered!

CMC Live is a series of live audio conversations, where CoinMarketCap covers the latest developments in the crypto industry, such as trends and news.

Every day, crypto attracts new people interested to learn about this revolution in how we use money.

But there are so many resources out there to learn about the crypto revolution, it is hard to choose a place to start learning.

And on top of that, most of the day-to-day development of the crypto industry gets discussed on Twitter─sorry, on X.. But that platform is a jungle of different opinions, voices, characters and resources. Some are useful, others are not. Some have your best interest at heart, others only pretend to do so.

That is why we decided to launch CMC Live on our CMC community platform.

CMC Live works similarly to Twitter Spaces, but CMC Live events are very crypto-specific led by professionals in the industry.

Every week, our hosts welcome new guests to discuss what is currently relevant in the crypto industry.

What Did Our Previous CMC Live Sessions Cover?

CMC Live is already up and running.

And it is already plenty popular, with several thousands of guests tuning into each session. The CMC Live sessions are growing fast and already have more engagement than the typical Twitter space about crypto. Expect the interest only to go up from here, as the bear market slowly fades into a bull market.

But what do they talk about in such a CMC Live session?

Here are a few examples. For instance, one session covered the ETHcc conference in Paris:

Source: CMC Community - CMC Live

Our guests, the President of Ethereum France and the CEO of QED Protocol discussed the main takeaways of one of the biggest conferences in the cryptocurrency industry.

Another session covered the highly-debated upcoming launch of FTX 2.0:

Source: CMC Live on CMC Community

The launch of FTX 2.0 is one of the most controversial topics in crypto. The guests included Mark Lamb, co-founder of OPNX, a crypto exchange, and Sunil K, one of the advocates in favor of the FTX 2.0 launch.

But CMC Live also covers trending topics and narratives in crypto. One of the hottest ones recently was the rise of Telegram trading bots:

Source: CMC Live on CMC Community 

And, of course, we invite builders and thought leaders directly from the crypto industry to discuss the latest trends and products.

Source: CMC Community

There is something for everyone at CMC Live. Don’t miss the upcoming session of CMC Live and sign up for our next session here 👇

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