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What is KSwap Finance (KST)

KSwap Finance (https://kswap.finance) is a decentralized trading platform deployed on OKExChain on July 29, 2021. Aiming at a top DEX on OKExChain, KSwap Finance enables the seamless transferring of digital currencies among users via a well-developed automatic maker algorithm (AMM). It is also the first to launch products such as KUniverse and KStarter to explore more ways to play and meet the needs of more users.

KSwap Finance always attaches particular high importance to platform security and functionalities. Its products have been demonstrated to be well-functioned on the test net. Since its launch on the test net as early as February (2021), KSwap Finance has drawn heightened interests from blockchain communities. Only in April, KSwap grows terrifically, with an over 500% increase in total liquidity. An increasing influx of users has chosen to test various mature and new features on Kswap Finance to be better positioned for the official reception of OkExChain.

What makes KSwap Finance different from other AMM-based decentralized changes?

KSwap Finance is integrated with a marketplace for celestial body-themed non-fungible tokens (NFT), KUniverse. Unlike traditional NFTs that only have collector and game values, KUniverse deeply integrates KSwap's trading and bonus mechanisms, allowing KUniverse NFT holders to participate in a fixed bonus pool for KSwap's transaction fees to receive rewards.

KUniverse issues a total of 20,000 mystery boxes in which there is a card representing celestial bodies such as Earth, Mars, etc. However, these celestial-themed cards are not equally distributed. Cards featuring different celestial bodies are assigned one of the seven levels of weights. Cards with higher weights are more scarce, and therefore more valuable than those with lower ranks. Trading in the marketplace. A user may trade his/her NFT assets with different NFT cards by selling in the market. This comes with a great level of flexibility, meaning a user may set whatever price he/she deems reasonable.

Staking for rewards. KSwap Finance will dedicate a significant amount of the total supply of the KST into a dividend pool. In order to reap as high KST rewards as possible, a user may want to stake NFT cards with higher weights. The weights are used by the pool's algorithm to determine what portion of total rewards out of each block will be given to the user. Another entertaining aspect is that if a user collects a series of NFT cards covering all of the seven levels, the user can enjoy as high as 44% additional bonus when all the cards are stacked in the dividend pool. This design uniquely benefits NFT holders, as by staking their assets they can enjoy passive income along the time.



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