X Empire’s Token (X) To Launch on Bitget’s Pre-Market Platform
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X Empire’s Token (X) To Launch on Bitget’s Pre-Market Platform

4 months ago

Bitget, a prominent crypto exchange, has announced the listing of X Empire's X Coin (X) on its Pre-Market platform.

X Empire’s Token (X) To Launch on Bitget’s Pre-Market Platform
Bitget, a prominent crypto exchange, has announced the listing of X Empire's X Coin (X) on its Pre-Market platform.

This initiative provides users early access to a project that integrates AI technology with blockchain gaming and personalized NFTs, developed on the TON blockchain.

X Empire originally began as a Telegram Mini-App Game and has since evolved into a comprehensive ecosystem that allows users to create and trade custom NFT avatars. These avatars serve dual purposes in gaming and as valuable digital assets, enhancing user engagement in both Web2 and Web3 environments.

The platform has gained significant traction, boasting over 36 million monthly active users and 22 million Telegram subscribers.

Introducing a voucher system for the pre-market offering, each voucher represents 69,000 $X tokens. Currently, 250,000 wallet addresses are holding the token, with a total transaction volume of 273,000 TON recorded on-chain.

Bitget’s move to list X Coin positions it as a key player in the growing TON ecosystem, which has seen an influx of projects engaging with Telegram's Mini-App framework.

In addition to its initial listing on Bitget, X Empire plans to expand its reach. The primary exchange for X Coin will be Binance, known for its liquidity and user-friendly interface.

Following this, the token will also be listed on KuCoin and Gate.io, making it accessible to investors across Europe, Asia, and the Americas.

Bitget continues to support projects within the TON ecosystem, reflecting a broader growth trend in Telegram mini-app tokens, which have contributed significantly to the total value locked (TVL) on the TON blockchain.

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