Connect MetaMask to Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Connect MetaMask to Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

3 years ago

Here is a step-by-step guide by CoinMarketCap Academy on how to connect MetaMask to Binance Smart Chain (BSC). Read more!

Connect MetaMask to Binance Smart Chain (BSC)


MetaMask is one of the most popular software wallets that is available to crypto users across the world. It integrates well with almost all DeFi applications and is very easy to set-up too. However, there is a problem. It does display other chains by default.

Does this mean that you can only use MetaMask on Ethereum? No!

In fact, you can connect MetaMask to multiple chains. In this tutorial, you will learn how to connect your MetaMask wallet to Binance Smart Chain. Let’s dive in.

Step 1: Install MetaMask

You can go ahead and install the MetaMask wallet by accessing it here. Once you have downloaded the extension, you can simply add it to your browser.

You can toggle the extension by accessing your browser’s settings. When you head to “More Tools”, you will find “Extensions”. Once you click it, you will be directed to this screen.

If you toggle the blue button at the bottom right of each card, you will be able to see the extension like this.

Step 2: Open Your MetaMask Wallet

Once you’ve successfully set up your MetaMask (MM) wallet, you can access it on the top right-hand corner of your screen. Open the wallet and click on the three dots on the top-right corner of the screen.

You will get the option to open your wallet on an expanded screen.

Once you select the second option, you will be redirected to your wallet on a new tab.

Step 3: Add BSC Network Information

Now that you have the MetaMask wallet open on a separate screen, it will be much easier for you to set up the BSC network. Simply select your profile icon on the top-right, and head down to settings.

In the left-hand corner, you will see the “Networks” option.

Once you select that, you will have a screen just like below.

You must then click on “Add Network” to add BSC. You will be asked to enter technical information about the network that you want to add. For Binance Smart Chain, fill out the information given below:

For Mainnet

​​Network Name: Smart Chain


ChainID: 56

Symbol: BNB

Block Explorer URL:

Once you’ve copied and pasted all the information onto your MM wallet, you can go ahead and click on “Save”.

Once you have saved your network, in the same “Networks” tab you will now see Binance Smart Chain added.

Once you come out of the “Settings” tab, you will notice that your wallet now features the BNB symbol and right under “Assets”, BNB has been added. BNB is the native token on the BSC. If you have done everything correctly, then your wallet screen will look like this.

Step 4: Transfer BNB to Your MeteMask Wallet

Once you’ve successfully set up the BSC network on your MetaMask wallet, you can easily transfer BNB between other Binance wallets (including your Binance exchange account) and the MetaMask wallet. To do that, you simply need to go to your exchange and on your wallet, select “Withdraw crypto”.

Once you select “Withdraw Crypto”, you will be directed to this screen.

If you haven’t already, you will have to select BNB as your coin. Now, to transfer BNB coins, you will have to copy your MM wallet address. For this, you simply need to click on your account address (on MetaMask) and it will be copied to your clipboard.

Head back to the Binance screen and paste your wallet address. Most likely, Binance will automatically choose the network through which the BNB can be transferred. And in this case, as you can see, it has already chosen the BEP-20 network.

Remember that you must only select the BSC network otherwise, your assets will be lost!

Now, you must enter the amount that you wish to transfer and select “Withdraw”. You will be asked to accept the undertakings - these are just here to remind you that if you select the wrong network, your assets will be lost. Be sure to double-check that only the BSC network has been selected.

Once that is done, your transaction will be completed. You will have to wait until it is processed by the network.

Once it is successful, you will see the exact BNB transferred to your MetaMask wallet.

Thus, your wallet is now set up. You can easily transfer assets between your Binance account and MM.Connect MetaMask to Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Check out our guides on how to connect your MetaMask to other blockchains, including Polygon, Harmony, Avalanche, Optimism, Astar Network, Aurora Mainnet, Gnosis Chain, Cronos and Celo.
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