CoinMarketCap Academy: Join the Crypto Revolution
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CoinMarketCap Academy: Join the Crypto Revolution

3 years ago

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CoinMarketCap Academy: Join the Crypto Revolution


CoinMarketCap Academy is CoinMarketCap’s content arm.

Much like the Library of Academy was the world’s first known attempt to create a universal library, one place to store all of the knowledge that existed and could be collected at the time — CoinMarketCap Academy is attempting to do the same with cryptocurrency.

While the creators of the library once wrote that they wanted to “collect, if possible, all the books in the world,” CoinMarketCap Academy has the same lofty goal of those original Library of Academy founders back in the second century BCE: “to collect, if possible, all of the information about cryptocurrency in the world.”

How You Can Use Us

We’d like to help onboard as many people as possible to the cryptocurrency space — that’s why our content is aimed at a wide range of audiences and crypto users.

If your project would like to use our RSS feed, all we ask is that you provide backlink attribution to CoinMarketCap Academy.

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What We Do

CoinMarketCap Academy is an educational content website. We break down our content into several sections: Crypto Basics, How-To Guides, Tech Deep Dives, Trading Analysis and Market Musings.
Crypto Basics and How-To Guides are aimed at cryptocurrency beginners for the most part — we publish around five-ten new articles in these two sections each week, ranging from something as simple as “how to use a crypto wallet” to “what is an automated market maker?”
Our Tech Deep Dives are in-depth explorations of new and/or trending cryptocurrencies. These coins and tokens are chosen after research by our editorial team: they are not sponsored content. We strive to write insightful, yet neutral, articles into each coin’s features and roadmap.
Our Trading Analysis section also takes a few trending coins each week and explores price predictions based on analysis from our freelance TA experts.
Our Market Musings are the only content that is similar to news — we cover between five to eight news stories a day, as well as daily crypto news roundups. We also publish roundups of our weekly podcasts here.

Overall, CoinMarketCap Academy will publish between 50-70 articles with original content a week.

Who We Are

All of CoinMarketCap Academy content comes from our internal editorial team, as well as freelance writers. We currently have no sponsored posts, but occasionally have posts from contributors that are labeled as such.

Molly Jane Zuckerman: Head of Content

Yousra Anwar: CoinMarketCap Alexandra Editor

Davier Mu: CoinMarketCap Academy Editor

You can see a full list of our freelance authors here.

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