CoinMarketCap Daily, July 7: ETH 'Could Overtake' BTC
Crypto News

CoinMarketCap Daily, July 7: ETH 'Could Overtake' BTC

3 years ago

Goldman Sachs thinks Ether is the cryptocurrency with the most potential, and Tesla's Bitcoin investment may have backfired.

CoinMarketCap Daily, July 7: ETH 'Could Overtake' BTC

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ETH Could Overtake BTC, Goldman Sachs Says 🚀

Ether "currently looks like the cryptocurrency with the highest real use potential" — and Goldman Sachs believes its market cap could one day overtake Bitcoin. The investment bank noted that the Ethereum blockchain is popular for smart contract applications and can handle a greater number of transactions. Inevitably though, analysts warned hurdles remain.

Brutal Crypto Market Could Hurt Tesla's Results 💔

Bitcoin has had a terrible second quarter, and this could bring bad news for Tesla. The electric vehicle manufacturer invested $1.5 billion into this cryptocurrency earlier this year. If BTC falls below the price it paid per coin, the company will have to register an impairment charge. CNBC analysts fear this could result in a loss of up to $100 million. Here's the latest.

John McAfee's Wife Speaks Out 🚨

Janice McAfee has said that she does not accept that her husband killed himself. She also expressed outrage that stories about his death were published by the media before she was told. “Words cannot describe how enraged I am at the fact that I had to hear the news of John’s death via a DM on Twitter,” she wrote. Read more from her statement.

Ethereum's London Hard Fork Expected in August 👀

A controversial update to the Ethereum blockchain may take place later than planned. The London hard fork is now expected to take place on August 4, not mid-July as first thought. This upgrade includes measures that could change how miners are rewarded and is designed to make ETH deflationary, with crypto being burned with each transaction. The latest.
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